As part of the preparations for the upcoming we are in the process of arranging jerseys for our players. To ensure that each player receives the appropriate jersey size, we kindly request you to provide us with the individual sizes of your team members at your earliest convenience. This will assist us in making the necessary arrangements and ensuring the comfort of all players during the tournament. Please fill below for each player, we require for each player. If you could share this information with us by 30-12-2024, it would be greatly appreciated. This will allow us enough time to set ready the jerseys. Note that Half Sleeve Jersey will be provided. 17 numbers of Jersey will be offered. We understand the busy schedule associated with tournament preparation, and we sincerely appreciate your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please feel free to reach out to Sudeep Ravi Varma, Jeshar Pattammar or Mohammed Ali Thank you for your time and assistance. We look forward to a successful and enjoyable tournament for all teams involved.

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